.. _introduction: Introduction ============ In 1965, Gordon E. Moore predicted a doubling every year in the number of components in an integrated circuit :cite:`moore1965`. He revised the prediction in 1975 to a doubling every two year :cite:`moore1975` and later revisions suggest a slight decrease in the growth rate, while the growth rate, here 50 years after Moore’s first prediction, is not seriously predicted to fade out in the next decade. In the first many years, the increase in components per chip area, as predicted by “Moore’s law”, had a direct influence on processor speed. The personal computer was getting popular and software providers were happy beneficials of the so-called “free lunch”, which made programs running on single Central Processing Units (CPUs) double in speed whenever new processors hit the market. The days of the “free lunches” for sequentially written programs is over. The physical speed limit for sequential processing units has pretty much been reached. Increases in processor clock frequency introduces heat problems that are difficult to deal with and chip providers have instead turned their focus on providing multiple cores in the same chip. Thus, for programs to run faster on ever new architectures, programs will have to make use of algorithms and data structures that benefit from simultaneous, that is *parallel*, execution on multiple cores. Newer architectures, such as Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), host a high number of cores that are designed for parallel processing and over the coming decade, we will see a drastic increase in the number of cores hosted in each chip. In this book we distinguish between the notions of parallelism and concurrency. By *concurrency*, we refer to programming language controls for coordinating work done by multiple virtual processes. Such processes may in principle run on the same physical processor (using for instance time slicing) or they may run on multiple processors. Controlling the communication and dependencies between multiple processes turns out to be immensely difficult and programmers need to deal with problems such as unforeseen non-determinism and dead-locks, collectively named *race conditions*, issues that emerge when two or more processes (and their interaction with an external environment) interleave. By *parallelism*, on the other hand, we simply refer to the notion of speeding up a program by making it run on multiple processors. Given a program, we can analyze the program to discover dependencies between units of computation and as such, the program contains all the information there is to know about to which degree the program can be executed in parallel. We emphasize here the notion that a parallel program should result in the same output given an input no-matter how many processors are used for executing the program. On the other hand, we hope that running the program in parallel with multiple processors will execute faster than if only one processor is used. As we shall see, making predictable models for determining whether a given program will run efficiently on a parallel machine can be difficult, in particular in cases where the program is inhomogeneously parallel at several levels, simultaneously. Parallelism can be divided into the notions of *task parallelism*, which emphasizes the concept of executing multiple independent tasks in parallel, and *data parallelism*, which focuses on executing the same program on a number of different data objects in parallel. At the hardware side, multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD) processor designs, coined after Flynn’s taxonomy :cite:`Flynn1972`, directly allow for different tasks to be executed in parallel. For such designs, each processor is quite complex and in terms of fitting most processors on a single chip, so as to increase overall throughput, vendors have increasing success with simpler chip designs for which compute units execute single instructions on multiple data (SIMD). Such processor designs have turned out to be useful for a large number of application domains, including graphics processing, machine learning, image analysis, financial algorithms, and many more. In particular, for graphics processing, chip designers have since the 1970’es developed the concept of graphics processing units (GPUs), which, in the later years, have turned into “general purpose” graphics processing units (GPGPUs). The notions of parallel processing and parallel programming are not new. Concepts in these areas have emerged over a period of more than three decades and today the notion of parallelism appears in many disguises. For example, the internet as we know it can be understood as a giant parallel processing unit and whenever some user is browsing and searching the internet, a large number of processing units are working in parallel to provide the user with the best information available on the topic. At all levels, software engineers need to know how to exploit the ever increasing amount of computational resources. For many years, programmers and engineers have been accustomed to the simple performance reasoning principles of the von Neumann machine model :cite:`vonneumann1945`, which is also often referred to as the sequential Random Access Machine (RAM) model. With ever more complex chip circuits, introducing speculative instruction scheduling and advanced memory cache hierarchies for leveraging the far from constant-time access to random memory, reasoning about performance has become difficult even for programs running on sequential hardware. The consequence is that, even for sequential programs, programmers and engineers are requesting better models for predicting performance. For programs designed to run on parallel hardware, the situation is often worse. Understanding the performance aspects of executing a task-parallel program on a MIMD architecture can quickly become an immensely complex task in particular because the programmer can be forced to reason about concurrency aspects of the program running on the MIMD architecture. Machines are becoming more complex and the abstractions provided by the simpler machine models seem broken as the models no longer can be used to reason, in a predictable way, about performance. One particular instance of this problem is the assumption in the shared memory PRAM model, which assumes that all processors have constant-time access to random memory. Low-level languages and frameworks that more or less directly mirror their parallel target architectures include OpenCL :cite:`opencl2011` and CUDA :cite:`Nickolls:2008:SPP:1365490.1365500` for data-parallel GPU programming. More abstract approaches to target parallel hardware include library-based approaches, such as CUBLAS for GPU-targeted linear algebra routines, and annotation-based approaches, such as OpenAcc for targeting GPUs and OpenMP for targeting multi-core platforms. Instead of requiring programmers to reason about programs based on a particular machine model, an alternative is to base performance reasoning on more abstract *language based cost models*, which are models that emphasize higher-level programming language concepts and functionalities. By introducing such an abstraction layer, programmers will no longer need to “port” their performance reasoning whenever a new parallel machine is targeted. It will instead be up to the language implementor to port the language to new architectures. The introduction of language based cost models is of course not a silver bullet, but they may help isolate the assumptions under which performance reasoning is made. Guy Blelloch's seminal work on NESL :cite:`blelloch1990vector,blelloch1994implementation` introduces a cost model based on the concept of *work*, which, in abstract terms, defines a notion of the total work done by a program, and the concept of *steps*, which defines a notion of the number of dependent parallel steps that the program will take, assuming an infinite number of processors. In this book we shall make use of a performance cost model for a subset of a data-parallel language and discuss benefits and limitations of the approach. The cost model is based on the language-based cost model developed for NESL, but in contrary to the cost model for NESL, we shall not base our reasoning on an automatic flattening technique for dealing with nested parallelism. Instead, we shall require the programmer to perform certain kinds of flattening manually. The cost model developed for Futhark has been adapted from the cost model developed for the SPARC parallel functional programming language developed for the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Fall 2016 course “15-210: Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms” :cite:`algdesign:parseq2016`. We shall primarily look at parallelism from a data-parallel functional programming perspective. The development in the book is made through the introduction of the Futhark data-parallel functional language :cite:`Henriksen:2017:FPF:3062341.3062354,Larsen:2017:SRS:3122948.3122952,henriksen:phdthesis,henriksen2014size,henriksen2016design,henriksen2014bounds,henriksen2013t2`, which readily will generate GPU-executable code for a Futhark program by compiling the program into a number of OpenCL kernels and coordinating host code for spawning the kernels. Besides the OpenCL backend, Futhark also features a C backend and Futhark has been demonstrated to compile quite complex data-parallel programs into well-performing GPU code :cite:`finpar,apltofuthark2016`. Structure of the Book --------------------- The book is organised in chapters. In :numref:`futlang`, we introduce the Futhark language, including its basic syntax, the semantics of the core language, and the built-in array second-order array combinators and their parallel semantics. We also describe how to compile and execute Futhark programs using both the sequential C backend and the parallel GPU backend. Finally, we describe Futhark's module system, which allows for programmers to organise code into reusable components that carry no overhead whatsoever, due to Futhark's aggressive strategy of eliminating all module system constructs at compile time :cite:`elsman99,Elsman:2018:SIH:3243631.3236792`. We also describe Futhark's support for parametric polymorphism and restricted form of higher-order functions, which provide programmers with excellent tooling for writing abstract reusable code. In :numref:`practicals` we discuss various practical matters related to Futhark programming. We discuss techniques for checking the correctness of Futhark programs using unit tests, demonstrate how to debug Futhark programs using the Futhark debugger, show how to benchmark Futhark programs (on both CPU and GPU hardware), and give suggestions of how to resolve issues that may occur when writing programs in Futhark. We also show how to use the Futhark package manager to download libraries of Futhark code. In :numref:`interoperability`, we describe how Futhark can be used in concert with Python, to develop, for instance, interactive, real time games. We also outline the possibilities for using Futhark in the context of C and .NET programming. In :numref:`costmodel`, we introduce an “ideal” cost model for the Futhark language based on the notions of work and span. We present both a type system for an idealized version of Futhark and present a dynamic semantics for the language. The dynamic semantics is used for deriving the notions of work and span. In :numref:`fusion`, we present to the reader the underlying algebraic reasoning principles that lie behind the Futhark internal fusion technology. We also present to the reader a series of parallel utility functions and demonstrate the usefulness of applying the list-homomorphism theorem :cite:`BirdListTh`, which forms the basis of map-reduce reasoning and which, in many cases, turns out to play an important role for implementing efficient data-parallel algorithms in Futhark. In :numref:`regular-flattening`, we present Futhark's way of dealing with nested regular parallelism. In this chapter, we also introduce a number of segmented operations, including the essential segmented scan operation, which turns out to be central to both Futhark's moderate flattening technique and as a central tool for programmers to flatten irregular data-parallel problems. Futhark allows for programmers to organise and distribute libraries and applications in Futhark packages, which may be organised, managed, and documented using Futhark's package manager and Futhark's documentation tool. These tools are described in the Futhark User's Guide available at https://futhark.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. In :numref:`random-sampling`, we show how to program with pseudo-random numbers in Futhark using the Futhark package ``cpprandom``. This package allows for generating pseudo-random numbers in parallel and further allows the programmer to generate random samples for a number of distributions, including uniform and normal distributions. In the chapter, we also present the Futhark package ``sobol``, which allows for generating Sobol numbers efficiently in parallel. This library is useful for stochastic modeling and for Monte Carlo Simulation in high-dimensional spaces. In :numref:`irregular-flattening`, we describe the necessary tooling and building blocks for implementing irregular data-parallel algorithms in Futhark. In :numref:`conclusion`, we conclude and give directions for further reading.